
Ed Hardy is a tattoo artists

Now, Audigier has aborted the tattooed fetus that once was Ed Hardy’s small-scale tattoo brand into the hyper-comercialized version of ed hardy shop you almost puke at every time you see it today. But what you might not know is his sinister designs extend far beyond gold lame t-shirts and trucker hats. Below, find a number of absolutely awful Ed Hardy products for your schadenfreude. Tasteless Michael Jackson Tribute Audigier has taken it upon himself to honor the most taken advantage of person in history by taking advantage of him post mortem.
Ed Hardy doesn’t run Ed Hardy. ed hardy shirts is a tattoo artists that doesn’t tattoo living in San Francisco. Christian Audigier owns the rights to Hardy’s imagery and whores them out on the Ed Hardy clothing (and whatever) line. He did the same thing with Von Dutch. He took a motorcycle brand, stole it from motorcyclists, and gave it to horrible guys and girls like this. Basically just the worst kind of booty-calling, car-stereo-too-loud, gelled-up, fake watch'd, clubbing piece of human refuse you can imagine.
Head over to the disgusting memorial page on the ed hardy outlet site to see no text and no memorials. What you will find, though, is a hodgepodge of images “ripped from the headlines” in which Christian Audigier is leading his “friend” Michael around like a dope-sick, anorexic sloth covered in baking soda. One imagines Audigier pasting gold Swarvski crystals onto M.J.’s tomb to spell out “R.I.P. BRO” next to a giant dragon with a tiger head. Maybe he’d give the castket a fist bump after. Gross.

